Sunday, March 1, 2015

It's Not Christians Committing Genocide

YouTube and/or Google keep "ghosting" my comments whenever I post the information on genocides and the religions of the mass murderers, so I decided to post it here.  Very often, anti-Christians, usually atheists, accuse Christians of being violent and state that the world would be so much better off without Christians, or better yet, or without any religion at all.  I like to respond with evidence, so people making those claims need to review history.

The United States of America was the first country in the known history of the world to create a government with all human rights granted by our Creator.  That's a crucial point, because that means our rights cannot be removed by men.  The government may violate our rights, but they cannot change them or take them away at their whim, because our rights are granted to us by God.

The Bill of Rights of the United States of America was created based on the teachings of Jesus by men who had read the Bible. The following quote concerning Thomas Jefferson is from, the premier bibliographical source for Jefferson.

"Jefferson believed in the existence of a Supreme Being who was the creator and sustainer of the universe and the ultimate ground of being, but this was not the triune deity of orthodox Christianity. He also rejected the idea of the divinity of Christ, but as he writes to William Short on October 31, 1819, he was convinced that the fragmentary teachings of Jesus constituted the "outlines of a system of the most sublime morality which has ever fallen from the lips of man." In correspondence, he sometimes expressed confidence that the whole country would be Unitarian, but he recognized the novelty of his own religious beliefs."

John Adams was an avowed Unitarian, and Benjamin Franklin held similar beliefs, as quoted here from his biography on

"I had been religiously educated as a Presbyterian; and tho' some of the dogmas of that persuasion, such as the eternal decrees of God, election, reprobation, etc., appeared to me unintelligible, others doubtful, and I early absented myself from the public assemblies of the sect, Sunday being my studying day, I never was without some religious principles. I never doubted, for instance, the existence of the Deity; that He made the world, and governed it by His providence; that the most acceptable service of God was the doing good to man; that our souls are immortal; and that all crime will be punished, and virtue rewarded, either here or hereafter."

Three of the most important Founders of the United States of America stated their beliefs that there was a just God who would punish immorality, that Jesus was the Son of God, and that the moral teachings of Jesus were superior to any other set of morals known to mankind.  All three of them believed that Jesus was just a man and not divine.  That made them Unitarians which are not orthodox Christians.  But Ben Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson were still Christians.  They were not simple deists as atheists like to claim.

Why is that important?  Jesus never taught or condoned the use of violence or force to compel anyone to do or believe in anything, and our Bill of Rights reflects the teachings of Jesus with the first right or freedom in the Bill of Rights being the freedom of religion.  In this country founded by Christians, you are allowed to believe in whatever you want.

Christian abolitionists stopped the trading of slaves across Europe and the New World in the 19th century.  Slavery has existed within all cultures throughout history and still exists today in Africa and the Arabian peninsula, along with other muslim countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia.  Christians stopped mass murderers such as Hitler while atheists and muslims have slaughtered hundreds of millions of their own.  Here are the worst five genocides of recorded history plus five others considered by many to be in the worst ten or twenty:

1) Mao Zedong, People’s Republic of China (PRC), Communist/Atheist,
34,300,000-63,784,000 of his own people killed

2) Joseph Stalin, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR),  Communist/Atheist,
23,000,000-60,000,000 of his own people killed, including 2,400,000 - 7,500,000 with the intentional Ukrainian Famine (1932-1933)

3) Hideki Tojo (1937-1945), Imperial Japan, Shinto/Buddhist,
3,000,000 – 10,000,000 in the Far East killed, mainly China/Manchuria and Korea, plus about 5,000,000 related to WWII

4) Adolf Hitler (1941-1945), National Socialist Party (Nazi) of Germany, Pagan,
4,194,200 - 6,000,000 Jews, gypsies, Catholics, and others killed

5) Pol Pot (1975-1979), Khmer Rouge of the Kampuchea regime in Cambodia, Communist/Atheist,
1,000,000 – 3,000,000 of his own and neighboring people killed

6) Nigerian Civil War (1967-1970), Nigeria: Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo tribes,
1,000,000 – 3,000,000 Igbo murdered or starved to death

7) Ottoman Empire (1915-1923), Anatolia, Muslim,
1,500,000 Armenians killed

8) Rwanda (1994), Hutu tribe
500,000 – 1,000,000 Tutsis and others killed

9) Ottoman Empire (1915-1918), Anatolia, Muslim,
750,000 – 900,000 Greek killed

10) Ottoman Empire (1915-1918), Anatolia, Muslim,
275,000 - 750,000 Assyrians killed

There are more than that, but these are ten of the most recent with the first five considered the most heinous by the historical community.

Do you see a common theme?

Jesus Christ taught and commanded 100% peace, love, and mercy.  I've proven that in other blogs, and I'll link to that when I finish my current draft.  No one can post a valid quote from Jesus explicitly commanding anyone to commit violence or even hate.  If you think you can, first reread it to see if it is an actual explicit command to commit violence.  If you think it is, please post it in the comment section below.  I'll be happy to discuss it with you.

Anyway, Jesus taught and commanded 100% peace, love, and mercy.  Anyone slaughtering people in the name of Jesus or while calling themselves a Christian is violating the explicit teachings and commandments of Jesus Christ and is no Christian.


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